The Wire’ın Açılış Cümleleri


The Wire birçok yönüyle kült bir dizi olmayı hak eden, hayranlarının hala üzerinde konuştuğu, farklı yönlerini ortaya çıkardığı, videolar ürttiği bir yapım. Diziyi izleyenler her bölümün açılışında ilginç bir laf beklediklerini hatırlar. Bazen boşa giden bu bekleyiş, çoğunlukla bölümün tüm anafikrini anlatan sağlam bir ağır bir sözle ödüllendirilirdi. Diziyi ve açılış cümlelerini birkez daha hatırlamak isteyenler için bulduğumuz bir derlemeyi paylaşalım dedik.

“…when it’s not your turn.”
“You cannot lose if you do not play.”
“The king stay the king.”
“It’s a thin line ‘tween heaven and here”
“…a little slow, a little late.”
“…and all the pieces matter.”
“A man must have a code.”
“Come at the king, you best not miss.”
“Maybe we won.”
“And then he dropped the bracelets…”
“Dope on the damn table.”
“This is me, yo, right here.”
“All in the game…”
“Ain’t never gonna be what it was.”
“They can chew you up, but they gotta spit you out.”
“What they need is a union.”
“If I hear music, I’m gonna dance.”
“They used to make steel there, no?”
“It don’t matter that some fool say he different…”
“Don’t worry kid. You’re still on the clock.”
“How come they don’t fly away?”
“The world is a smaller place now.”
“It pays to go with the union card every time.”
“I need to get clean.”
“Business. Always business.”
“Don’t matter how many times you get burnt, you just keep doin’ the same.”
“There’s never been a paper bag.”
“The Gods will not save you.”
“Why you gotta go and fuck with the program?”
“I had such fucking hopes for us.”
“Just a gangster, I suppose.”
“Conscience do cost.”
“Crawl, walk, and then run.”
“…while you’re waiting for moments that never come.”
“Call it a crisis of leadership.”
“We ain’t gotta dream no more, man.”
“We fight on that lie.”
“Lambs to the slaughter here.”
“I still wake up white in a city that ain’t.”
“I love the first day, man. Everybody all friendly an’ shit.”
“No one wins. One side just loses more slowly.”
“If you with us, you with us.”
“Don’t try this shit at home.”
“Aw yeah. That golden rule.”
“We got our thing, but it’s just part of the big thing.”
“Might as well dump ’em, get another.”
“World goin’ one way, people another.”
“You play in dirt, you get dirty.”
“That all there is to it?”
“If animal trapped call 410-844-6286”
“The bigger the lie, the more they believe.”
“This ain’t Aruba, bitch.”
“They’re dead where it doesn’t count.
“Buyer’s market out there.
“Just ’cause they’re in the street doesn’t mean that they lack opinions.”
“If you have a problem with this, I understand completely.”
“They don’t teach it in law school.”
“A lie ain’t a side of the story, it’s just a lie.”
“Deserve got nuthin’ to do with it.”
“…the life of kings”
